The Archbishop is Answered.

See BBC news item quoted below. The unknown artist of this picture shows quite clearly where the Archbishop of Canterbury and other enquirers can find the answer to life's problems. Yes in the very book he claims to represent; The Bible.

The Bible is God's gift to all human kind.

BBC: |Archbishop of Canterbury admits he has doubts about God

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has said he sometimes has doubts in his belief in God.

He said: "There are moments, sure, when you think, 'Is there a God?' 'Where is God?'"

He went on to explain that it was acceptable to occasionally have doubt, and still be a Christian.

He added: "The extraordinary thing about being a Christian is that God is faithful even when we're not.

"When we get into the wrong place he comes alongside us and says, 'Right let's go from here.'"  ~

Read the Bible online here.  It will be in a language you can understand. 

Mac Shared This with the help of others quoted