Alzheimer's and Blood Transfusion


Can you CATCH Alzheimer's?

Disease could be spread via blood transfusions during surgery in the same way as CJD, say scientists
Potentially explosive new study suggests disease is spread like CJD
Fears it could be caught from blood transfusions, ops and dental work

Alzheimer’s disease may be transmitted from one person to another during certain medical procedures, scientists have found.

A study into people who died of a separate kind of brain disease after receiving injections of human growth hormone suggests that Alzheimer’s may also be a transmissible disease.

The findings have raised questions about the safety of some medical procedures, possibly including blood transfusions and invasive dental treatment, which may involve the transfer of contaminated tissues or surgical equipment.

The investigation has shown for the first time in humans that Alzheimer’s disease may be a transmissible infection which could be inadvertently passed between people.

University College London study finds it is possible to become infected through blood transfusion, brain surgery or root canal operation.

Alzheimer’s disease may be transmissible through blood transfusions and medical accidents in the same way as Creuzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD), scientists believe.

In a landmark finding, researchers at University College London said it was possible the ‘seeds’ of dementia could be transferred from the brain tissue of one person to another.

Worryingly the proteins which cause dementia are a type called prions which can stick to metal surfaces, such as surgical instruments, and are resistant to conventional sterilization.

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