An arachnologists gathering

Top spiders compete in 'Crufts'

"What's more we've had no escapes, so Coventry can sleep easy," he added.

Cycle Helmet Air-bag

What to do with 40,000 spoons?

Uri Geller spoon gorilla unveiled

What you are looking at is 40,000 spoons. 

Difficult to find?

Lost snake species found in Mexico

Apple cider for Android

Apple apps made to run on Android

Another place not to holiday?

Thailand army declares martial law

AEB could save lives

New AEB brakes 'safer' for cars

Dozens of lives could be saved on roads if the law was changed to make a new type of technology compulsory in all new cars, according to road safety campaigners and insurance companies.

Shoes tell a story

Can you still tell a gentleman by his shoes?

In the political classes, shoes can still point the way to a man's moral character, writes Jemima Lewis.

Cats or dogs?

The Telegraph: It's easier to work with a fish than a feline.

How to keep mice healthy?

Why Mediterranean diet is 'healthy'

More than soccer fever on the world menu?

Brazil 2014 dengue risk predicted

Call for food to be regulated?

Regulate food 'like cigarettes'

The food industry should be regulated like the tobacco industry as obesity poses a greater global health risk than cigarettes, say international groups.


Researcher creates 'holodeck'

Braille phone

First Braille phone goes on sale

Where do Americans originate?

SlashGear: Skeletal remains suggest Americans have one ancestral origin.

Another Shipping Disaster

Ship prompts Galapagos emergency

Violent protests in Brazil

Brazil hit by anti-World Cup rallies

Paradise Lost

UK tourists evacuated from Kenya

Another Ferry Disaster - Bangladesh

ABC News: Ferry capsizes with hundreds on board in Bangladesh.

Hero Cat invited to join Baseball team

TMZ: Hero Cat -- Gets Offer from Minor League Baseball Team! (Link with story) Cat Saves Child From Dog Attack.

Etsy leases in Brooklyn

FORTUNE -- Etsy, an online shopping site that has over 40 million members who sell everything from homemade crafts to clothing, signed a 200,000-square-foot lease on Monday. The space, which is located at the foot of the Manhattan and Brooklyn bridges in Brooklyn's Dumbo neighborhood, was a former Jehovah's Witnesses property.

A Private Hospital

image not displayed
Watchtower Infirmary
21 Clark St, New York, NY 11201, United States


Women Army

Female troops debut in Chinese parade

China is adding knee-high skirts and 5cm (2in) heels to its military parades as its first female honour guard welcomed the president of Turkmenistan.

Exercise can harm

Athletes beware - endurance training may make it more likely that you will need a pacemaker, scientists believe.

Google wars

There are mixed reactions in the press to a ruling by European judges over what has been dubbed the "right to be forgotten" on the internet.
Among those cheered by the judgement, which gives individuals a right to request that search engines remove links deemed "inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant", is ex-Formula One boss Max Mosley. The Times says he's been trying for years to stop images of him participating in an orgy appearing on Google searches.

Torture is a major concern

Amnesty: Torture is alive and flourishing

The use of torture is widespread 30 years after the United Nations adopted a convention outlawing the practice, Amnesty International has said.
At least 44 percent of more than 21,000 people from 21 countries surveyed by the London-based rights group for its new report released on Monday, said that they would not feel safe from torture if arrested in their home country.
The report titled Torture in 2014 - 30 Years of Broken Promises read: "Although governments have prohibited this dehumanising practice in law and have recognised global disgust at its existence, many of them are carrying out torture or facilitating it in practice."

Travelling through Uzbekistan?

If you are thinking of travelling through Uzbekistan and especially in the region of Tashkent, there are a number of things you may wish to keep in mind. [ LINK ]


Religion of Uzbekistan

One may wonder what religion they have in that country as they seem to arrest everyone whatever their faith.

(click on a picture to view it's original size.)
Source: linked above.

Forum 18

  • Forum 18
    Nonprofit organization
  • Forum 18 is a Norwegian human rights organization that promotes religious freedom. The organization's name is based on Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Wikipedia
  • From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Forum 18 is a Norwegian human rights organization that promotes religious freedom. The organization's name is based on Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Forum 18 summarizes the article as:
    • The right to believe, to worship and witness
    • The right to change one's belief or religion
    • The right to join together and express one's belief[1]

    (click on a picture to view it's original size.)

    Mormons and the Third Reich

    Mormon basketball team giving the Nazi Sieg Heil salute.

    Distruction caused by Flying Fish

    Fire causes explosion of rotten fish in cans

    A fire in a warehouse on the east coast of Sweden caused cans of fermented fish to explode and go flying through the air, according to local media.

    Armchair Traveller

    Driving in England? Beware!

    Bumper rip-off : ‘Crash for cash’ gangs in huge car insurance scam

    The moment when a “crash for cash” gang targeted an innocent victim by creating a motorway accident has been caught on tape. The shock scenes – go to to see them – were taken from the victim’s car and used in court to help convict the criminals.

    The driver became yet another victim of the so-called “slam-on” scam. This is when the motorist in front slams on their brakes for no apparent reason, causing drivers behind to crash into them.

    Splitting America in half

    This tiny creek connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
    A raindrop striking Two Ocean Pass has a 50-50 chance of flowing out to the Pacific or down to the Gulf. Crazy as it sounds, a fish could safely swim across the U.S.

    Dancing pizza boxes

    Milton Keynes motorists complain about 'dancing pizza boxes'

    Shower Spotting

    The lull in annual meteor shower in the early part of every year has passed. The Lyrid meteor shower was fun, and some people saw beautiful meteors, and captured their photos, even though the moon was bright. Meteor season 2014 has begun! Next up: the Eta Aquarid meteor shower in early May. It’s good shower from the entire Earth, and a great one for the S. Hemisphere.
    May 5-7, 2014 before dawn, the Eta Aquarids
    This meteor shower has a relatively broad maximum – meaning you watch watch it for several days around the predicted peak. The radiant is near the star Eta in the constellation Aquarius the Water Bearer (click here for chart). The radiant comes over the eastern horizon at about 4 a.m. local time; that is the time at all locations across the globe. For that reason, the hour or two before dawn tends to offer the most Eta Aquarid meteors, no matter where you are on Earth. At northerly latitudes – like those in the northern U.S. and Canada, or northern Europe, for example – the meteor numbers are typically lower for this shower. In the southern half of the U.S., 10 to 20 meteors per hour might be visible in a dark sky. Farther south – for example, at latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere – the meteor numbers may increase dramatically, with perhaps two to three times more Eta Aquarid meteors streaking the southern skies. For the most part, the Eta Aquarids is a predawn shower. In 2014, the first quarter moon will set before the prime-time hours of the Eta Aquarid shower. The most meteors will probably rain down on May 6, in the dark hours before dawn. But watch on May 5 and 7 as well! The broad peak to this shower means that some meteors may fly in the dark hour before dawn for a few days before and after the predicted optimal date.

    (click on a picture to view it's original size.)