Non-Dairy Milks

I do not always fully agree with Roger Mason on all he says on health issues. But one thing for sure he has taught me a lot over 15 years. This is his latest advise which I found particularly useful as many I know are drinking other than milk. 

I have underlined what may prove helpful. 

Young Again Products, INC
Non-Dairy Milks
Roger Mason
September 9, 2014
Fortunately, people are turning away from dairy milk and other dairy products. Finally, many realize that dairy is full of toxic lactose and casein. Read the article Milk Will Kill You. The grocery store shelves everywhere are stocked with non-dairy milks. This is a wonderful thing, and most surprising. There is now a choice of soy, almond, rice, coconut, hazelnut, flax, and oat milks. The American Dairy Association is having a collective heart attack!

Let's go over them...

Soy milk was by far and away the leader until recently. Now soy has dropped to about 30% of non-dairy milk sales. This is a shame. Many soy milks are delicious, and taste much better than dairy milk. Only buy organic, as most soybeans grown today in America are GMO. Even Wal-Mart sells organic soymilk in plain, vanilla, and cocoa. Much of this drop in sales is due to the ridiculous and asinine disinformation by people like Dr. Mercola and the Weston Price Foundation. Read the articles Dr. Mercola and Weston Price Foundation. Soy is your best choice, as it is actually nutritious, and contains a good amount of soy. Read the Soy is Good Food article.

Almond milk is a misleading scam, as there are almost no almonds in it. You might get about 6 almonds per cup- if you're lucky. How to they get away with this? By saying "almond milk" is the leading ingredient, and not listing how many almonds are in there. It's actually almond water, not milk. Almonds are very expensive. Almond water is made by shaking almond paste with water. There are almost no almonds in almond water. You get no protein, fiber, oil, almond meat or anything else. The expensive almond oil is removed, sold at $12 a pint, and replaced with inexpensive sunflower oil. Almond milk is really just sugar water thickened with carageenan (seaweed extract) and lecithin, with some calcium carbonate, potassium citrate, sea salt and vitamins. The recipes vary.

Coconut milk is a another abomination. First of all, coconuts are a tropical food that should be eaten by tropical races living in tropical areas. Nature has a plan, and that plan includes eating foods that match your race and environment. It is made from a water extract of coconut meal. Again, this is mostly sugar water with thickeners and coconut flavoring.

Hazelnut milk is just almond milk- almost no hazelnuts. The price of hazelnuts is very high, and you just cannot afford to put them in there. You cannot make a good water suspension of any nut, or seeds like sesame and flax due to their high oil nature.

Rice milk is a good choice, but it is not made with brown rice. Even Rice Dream® uses "partially milled brown rice". Why aren't they making this out of real brown rice? Rice is very water soluble and makes a good non-dairy milk.

Oat milk is also a good choice, and contains lots of whole oats. It is naturally thick because of the high beta glucan content, and very nutritious. This didn't go over very well with most people, as it tastes distinctively like oats. You can find this in health food stores.

Flax milk sounds wonderful. Ideally, this would be a really great non-dairy milk. Unfortunately, flax does not mix well with water. This is not going over well in the marketplace. If new technology could make a good flax milk, that would be great.

You can buy unsweetened varieties of these non-dairy milks if you want. These do not taste very good, and are best used in cooking. A little sweetener is necessary to make any of them palatable for drinking.

Forget the non-dairy creamers, as they are load with sugar! You shouldn't be drinking coffee anyway. You don't need to put creamer in tea either. There is no reason to drink dairy milk with all these choices.
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Mac Shared This with the help of Roger Mason