United Religious Org?

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Pope Francis and Shimon Peres to discuss the creation of a kind of "the United Nations Organisation of religions"

Michael Snyder

Last Thursday met Pope Francis and former Israeli President Shimon Peres to a detailed 45-minute private audience. Topic of conversation was the proposal by Peres, a kind of "United Nations of Religions" to launch. This was the third meeting between the two men within a little more than four months. As it was called, was Pope Francis 'his interest, listened to and encouraged, " as Peres explained his proposal.

It goes without saying that Pope Francis committed himself not equal, and we are likely in the foreseeable future, not the creation of the "United Nations of Religions" experience, but every idea has to be eventually presented for the first time. Pope Francis should ultimately decide to actively engage on such a device, then it might ultimately come to establish a single global entity that would take lay claim to represent all religions around the world?

For a Pope, it is very uncommon to meet with a leading politician three times in just over four months. But this recent meeting between Pope Francis and Shimon Peres was obviously the most remarkable of all. The following is an excerpt from a report of the American television channel Fox News to:
»Former Israeli President Shimon Peres, Pope Francis, given the fact that most of today's wars are religious and non-nationalist undertones, proposed a new global peace initiative: a kind of ' United Nations of Religions . "
The Vatican said Peres had discussed this initiative last Thursday during a 45-minute private audience in the Apostolic Palace. The two men were last gathered, had invited Francis to former Israeli president and the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to form a common prayer for peace on June 8 this year in the gardens of the Vatican. "
Why exactly should Peres thing as the "United Nations of Religions"? A report by the Israeli dailyJerusalem Post, according to which he is convinced that such a facility would offer the best chance to prevent wars and violence in the world:
"In an interview with the Catholic magazine Famiglia Cristiana Peres asked Pope Francis, to support the construction of a inter-religious organization, so as to curb the religious violence.
We need an organization> United Religions <... this would be the best way to combat terrorists who kill in the name of God, "Peres said, 'It does not require a raised any doubt moral authority that clearly asserts that God wants this and forbid it. '"
After this private meeting between the Pope and Peres, said Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi (SJ), the Pope had during the exchange of ideas Peres 'listened, expressed an interest and encouraged. " the pope not committed himself, but he rejected the concept of a kind "the United Nations Organisation of religions" not flatly.

And indeed, such an organization would also fit very well in the activities of the Pope during his tenure, in which he previously tried very hard to build "bridges" to other religions. Pope Francis had allowed earlier this year for the first time that "the Vatican Islamic prayers and readings from the Koran were recited ":
"For the first time in the history of Islamic prayers and readings will be heard from the Koran on Sunday at the Vatican. This step Pope Francis seeks to promote peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Francis had invited the Israeli President Shimon Peres and President of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas during his visit last week in Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Abbas, Peres and Francis will be accompanied by Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious leaders, it was called after a report in the Times of Israel in a statement by the spokesperson of Peres. "
Also to Protestant organizations sought the Pope reinforced contact. Here is an example for his efforts against the Charismatic movement in the United States from this summer:
"In an effort to tear down walls of separation "between Catholics and Protestants, now met two controversial televangelist together with Pope Francis.
Kenneth Copeland and James Robinson are among the leading religious figures in northeast Texas that are known to they are able to gather large crowds in their worship services and other events. They belonged to a group> Delegation leading evangelical Christians <calls himself the last month (June 2014) with the head of the Catholic Church in Rome came together. "
Earlier, the Pope met even with the televangelist Joel Osteen :
»Mega Church speaker and author Joel Osteen was among a group of leading politicians and religious leaders who met on Thursday with Pope Francis in the Vatican.
According to reports, Osteen was part of a delegation that had been compiled by the International Foundation to promote relations between religions and ecumenism. The Mormon and Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah, Gayle Beebe, president of the interdenominational Westmont College in California and Pastor Tim Timmons, founder of the South Coast Community Church also from California attended by other together with Osteen in the conversation with the Pope in part.
I felt very honored and felt deep humility, "Osteen told the local television station Click 2 Houston,> It was amazing. And if you still go back in this part of the Vatican - there, in the part that they showed us so much history is present. You feel deep respect and reverence to God. '"
And these efforts were not taken recently. Pope Francis pursued since the first days of his pontificate, an ecumenical agenda. More in my article " Pope Francis and the emerging one-world religion . " But there is a flow within Christianity, the Pope Francis has nothing good. He considers, for fundamentalismis no place in the church:
"After his first visit to the Middle East last month, the Pope fundamentalist movements in Christianity, Islam and Judaism criticized as a form of violence.
A fundamentalist group is violent, even if no one kills or going against anyone. The intellectual structure of fundamentalism represents violence in the name of God. '"
But what exactly do you mean by "fundamentalism"? TheOxford Dictionary gives the following definition:
"... A form of religion, particularly Islam and Protestant Christianity, which is based in their beliefs in a strict, literal interpretation of Scripture ..."
Does this mean that Pope Francis rejects those Christians who believe in a strict, literal interpretation of the Bible? And what are its fundamental objectives? Why is he trying so much world to contact with all other major religions?

Copyright © 2014 by EndOfTheAmericanDream
Credit: picture-alliance
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